About us


O nama

Firma TERMOTENA je osnovana 1984. godine. Proteklih godina TERMOTEHNA se razvijala, rasla i profesionalno napredovala da bi danas na tržištu merno regulacione opreme za temperature u Srbiji i okruženju zauzela lidersku poziciju kao dobro organizovan tim, kome se veruje, pouzdan i siguran partner koji se drži dogovora, garantuje kvalitet opreme, usluga i servisa.

NAŠA MISIJA: Gradimo partnerske odnose sa našim kupcima, štedimo im vreme i omogućavamo povećanje profita.

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Worldwide Services

They provide clients with transparent cost estimates and adhere to the agreed-upon

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Best Company Award Winner

A reliable construction company is adept at managing budgets and timelines effectively.


Since 1984, TERMOTEHNA has been a synonym for continuous development, professionalism and top quality in the domain of temperature measurement and control equipment.

We proudly stand out as a market leader in Serbia and the surrounding area, providing reliable products and services that guarantee safety and quality. Our mission is to build partnership relationships with our customers, enabling them to save time and increase profits.

Through our wide range of products, including thermocouples and resistance thermometers, as well as expert technical support, we guide our partners through the latest technological innovations in the domain of temperature measurement and control equipment. Welcome to the world of TERMOTEHNA – where quality, reliability and expertise make the difference!