


The laboratory has been accredited by the Accreditation Body of Serbia according to the ISO/SRPS 17025 standard since 2012.

Calibration is a set of procedures that, under specific conditions, establish a relationship between the values ​​of the quantities, with their measurement uncertainties, which are achieved by the standards, and the corresponding indications, with the associated measurement uncertainties, which is the result of the measurement. Calibration is performed with equipment that is also calibrated in accredited laboratories, thus ensuring a chain of traceability to international primary standards. After calibration, a calibration certificate is issued, which, among other things, contains: the measurement error with the associated measurement uncertainty expressed in accordance with: EA-4-02 Expression of the Uncertainty of Measurement in Calibration

Calibration is required for all accredited laboratories for testing and calibration according to the ISO 17025 standard. Calibration is required for all laboratories that have introduced or intend to introduce some of the ISO standards. Calibration is required for all laboratories that want to have verified data on the error and measurement uncertainty of their instruments.

The interval between two calibrations is determined in accordance with the OIML recommendation OIML Guidelines for the determination of calibration intervals of measuring instruments.

– Declared or required measurement uncertainty of the test; – Risk that the measuring instrument reaches the maximum permissible measurement error during use; – Cost of correcting the measurement results when it is determined that the measuring instrument has been making errors over a long period of time; – Type of measuring instrument; – Recommendation of the measuring instrument manufacturer; – Frequency and severity of using the measuring instrument; – Environmental conditions (e.g. climatic conditions, vibration, etc.); – Tendency of data from previous calibrations; – Measuring instrument service and maintenance history; – Frequency of cross-checking against other instruments or reference materials; – Frequency and quality of interim checks.

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